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Tumour Microenvironment

T Cell Atlas of Tumour Microenvironment Identifies Previously Unknown Cell State

The atlas provides valuable insights into T cell phenotypic states across various cancer types, paving the way for biomarker discovery and the development of improved therapeutic strategies.
Drug Discovery & Development

Monoclonal Antibodies: Guided Missiles in the Battle Against Cancer and More

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have emerged as highly promising and versatile treatments for various diseases, particularly cancer.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Unravelling the Link Between Type 2 Diabetes and Proteins

In honour of this week marking Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week, we take a look at the intricate link between the disease and proteins.
Gene Therapy Development

Wilhelm Johannsen, Beans, and the Origins of Genotype and Phenotype

We spend a lot of time discussing new cell and gene therapies, as well as their implications for future treatment. But where did the term ‘gene' come from?
Peptide Chemistry

The Power of Collaboration: How The Sustainable Healthcare Coalition Measures the Impact of Sustainable Healthcare

The Sustainable Healthcare Coalition (SHC) emphasises the importance of collaboration with industry to address climate change in healthcare.
3D Cell Culture

3D Cell Cultures: From Disease Modelling to Toxicology

3D cell modelling can help develop understandings of disease pathologies, facilitating the investigation of how tissues react to certain treatments without causing undue harm or risk to the patients who need them.
Drug Discovery & Development

Identifying highly potent TNF-?-secreting T cells from blood samples in 7 hours using the Xdrop® double-emulsion droplet-based workflow

Bulk functional assays of immune cells miss highly potent cells within the population. This Xdrop workflow reveals highly potent TNF-?-secreting T cells in a human blood sample.
Drug Discovery & Development

Quantifying individual cells that secrete IFN-?, TNF-?, or both cytokines in a single-cell, drop®-based workflow

This Xdrop workflow enables rapid, multiplex quantification of the individual immune cells in a population that are secreting one or more cytokines. The results for single-cell format multiplex and singleplex assay concurred and were reproducible.
Drug Discovery & Development

Rapidly quantifying active killer cells using an Xdrop® single-cell format assay based on double-emulsion droplets

Bulk assays of killer cell activity mask the heterogeneity of the individual cells‘ actual cytotoxicity. This Xdrop single-cell format assay for quantifying natural killer cells reveals the active cells and enables their retrieval and expansion.
Drug Discovery & Development

Revealing and retrieving highly potent IFN-? secretors using an Xdrop® single-cell format workflow based on double-emulsion droplets

Bulk functional assays of immune cells miss highly potent cells within the population. This Xdrop single-cell format workflow for IFN-? secretion assessment reveals these highly potent individual cells, enabling their retrieval and expansion.
Drug Discovery & Development

Xdrop® Encapsulate cells, DNA, and more with this benchtop instrument

Xdrop is a unique, user-friendly microfluidics instrument for preparing living mammalian or microbial cells, organelles, DNA, or other biological material for high-resolution downstream analyses.
Stem Cell Therapy

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to be Manufactured on the ISS

With evidence suggesting that microgravity conditions may be best for growing and developing pluripotent stem cells, a team of astronauts aboard the International Space Station are set to test this hypothesis.

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