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Antibody & Protein Engineering

App Note: CAR-T: A Promising Cell Therapy for Cancer Treatment

This application note by Sino Biological explores the key steps involved in CAR-T production to provide insights into the challenges that may impede successful CAR-T therapy.
NextGen Therapeutics

The Bispecific Antibody Landscape

Key opinion leaders explore recent developments for bispecific antibodies, from new delivery technologies to the complexity of their pharmacokinetic profiles.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Tiny but Mighty Molecular Syringe Developed Using AI

An AI-modified molecular “syringe” harnessed from bacteria could revolutionise protein delivery for gene and cancer therapies.

In Vivo Model Design and Assay Selection to Aid in Progression from Preclinical to Clinical

Nexelis discussed the preclinical stage of vaccine development at Vaccines EU 2022, highlighting that the choices made during this stage will impact the rest of the development process.

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