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Biomarkers & Precision Medicine

New Multi-Omic AI-Driven Initiative for Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Development

The team aims to establish a consortium of cancer centres to join the project of developing biomarkers from multi-omic analysis.
Peptide Chemistry

Recombinant vs. Chemical Peptide Synthesis: A Question of Sustainability

Recombinant and chemical peptide synthesis methods both have use cases in modern peptide production. Today the industry is looking to sustainable approaches to both.
Tumour Microenvironment

Decoding the Language of Tumor Immune Microenvironment: A Deep Dive into Spatial Biology Techniques

Immuno by Oxford Global will delve into the fascinating world of spatial biology techniques and their role in decoding the language of the tumour immune microenvironment.
Peptide Chemistry

The Vital Role of Sustainable Peptide Synthesis in Advancing Drug Development

Sustainable peptide synthesis refers to the development and implementation of methods that minimize the environmental impact of peptide manufacturing while maintaining high efficiency and yield.
Immunotherapy (Non-Oncology)

Uncovering Mechanisms of Immunotherapy Response & Resistance with Single Cell & Spatial Multiomics

Discover how 10x Genomics' spatial technologies are revolutionising the study of immunotherapies in solid tumors
Peptide Chemistry

Mechanochemical Synthesis as a Solvent-Free Peptide Synthesis Method

Mechanochemical synthesis could unlock new pathways for obtaining peptides in a sustainable and ecologically friendly way.
Tumour Microenvironment

Spatial Transcriptomics for Immuno-Oncology and Analysis of the Tumour Microenvironment

An overview of the use of spatial transcriptomics in applications for immuno-oncology and the analysis of the tumour microenvironment.

Top R&D Stories of 2023

Through captivating articles, insight pieces, and spotlight interviews, we delve into the remarkable innovations, breakthroughs, and scientific marvels that have defined the landscape of research over the past year.
3D Cell Culture

Putting Menopause on Hold: Could Ovarian Cryopreservation Prevent Menopause?

Ovarian cryopreservation could prolong fertility, paving the way for a breakthrough in women’s reproductive freedom

Preserving Life's Potential: methods and conditions of cryopreservation

Cryopreservation is a key technology in medicine, biotechnology, and conservation, enabling the preservation of biological materials at ultra-low temperatures for future use. It supports medical treatments, scientific research, and species conservation by maintaining the genetic integrity of cells, tissues, and organs. Cell & Gene by Oxford Global explores its mechanisms, methodologies, applications, and the future directions this essential technology is headed towards.
Oligo Chemistry

Sustainability in Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Healthcare Provision

How do things stand with sustainability in pharmaceutical manufacture at present? What are some members of the industry doing to reduce their carbon footprint?
Peptide Chemistry

New peptide with hope of treating triple-negative breast cancer

The preclinical peptide could unlock much needed treatment options for patients with triple-negative breast cancer.

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