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Peptide Chemistry

Symphony® X

Oligo Chemistry

Sustainable Synthesis of Therapeutic Oligonucleotides

Oxford Global’s Discussion Groups provide a focused networking opportunity for a handful of like-minded experts on a monthly basis. Our March Discussion Group addressing ‘Sustainable Synthesis of Therapeutic Oligonucleotides’ brought together an exclusive panel of key opinion leaders to address the market’s growth and future outlook.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Sane in the Membrane: Salipro One-Step Reconstitution of GPCRs and Ion Channels

While membrane proteins are inherently unstable and challenging to work with, Salipro Biotech are focusing on the stabilisation of challenging protein targets for a variety of downstream applications. This Commentary article explores how Salipro’s platform technology enables new opportunities for drug development.

Better IO Clinical Trials with ImmunoPET Imaging

Ian A Wilson of ImaginAb delivers the presentation ‘The Value of In Vivo Imaging on the Clinical Development of IO Drugs’ at Oxford Global’s discussion group.

Search and Destroy: Engineering T-Cells to Find and Kill Cancer

Oxford Global’s Immuno Week showcased new ways of reprogramming the immune system to treat malignancy with TCR-T.
Biomarkers & Precision Medicine

Three Leading Perspectives on Biomarker Diagnostic Discovery in Immuno-oncology

Early and effective treatment of cancers could mean the difference between life and death. Therefore, companion diagnostics and biomarker discovery could be considered one of the most important avenues to explore in immuno-oncology.
Immunotherapy (Non-Oncology)

Insights in Autoimmunity and Immunotherapy

Experts discuss elusively successful therapies and the rising costs that come with new technologies.
Immunotherapy (Non-Oncology)

Re-Educating the Immune System: a ‘Brave New World’ in Immunology

RevoloBio’s autoimmunity drug, ‘1805, breaks with the mould in its revolutionary approach. With success in a Phase II clinical trial, scientists wonder what’s around the corner for the field.

Scaling Approaches to NK Cell Production for Off-The-Shelf Delivery

This Commentary piece explores how the production and delivery of NK cells could provide a new option for clinical treatment of illnesses such as myeloid leukaemia, with the potential for scaling approaches to be incorporated into the treatment process.

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