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Biomarkers & Precision Medicine

Enabling Ultrasensitive Protein Quantification with the Quanterix Homebrew Kit

Unique Homebrew Kits give researchers the flexibility to develop custom Simoa assays.
Cell Line Development

Experience the Next Generation in Clonality

Explore the future of single cell seeding.
3D Cell Culture

Using Cancer Organoids to Discover New Therapeutic Targets

The lack of predictive models is a highly limiting factor in the efficacy of projects designed to find new therapeutic targets. Cutting-edge organoid models may be the key to overcoming these challenges and could improve the prediction candidate drug molecules' clinical success.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Roche Fail to Follow in Eisai’s Footsteps: Alzheimer’s Drug Flunks Phase III Trials

Roche revealed that they will stop all Alzheimer’s trials after anti-amyloid beta antibody gantenerumab fails Phase III trials.
Drug Discovery & Development

Viral Immunotherapy: A New Approach Towards Tackling Solid Tumours

As an alternative avenue for addressing difficult-to-treat cancers, viral immunotherapies hold significant promise. CAN-2409 is well-tolerated in phase II clinical trials in patients with prostate cancer, and new applications may be on the horizon.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Heart-to-Heart or Head-to-Head: Amgen Heart Drug to Challenge Novartis

New data released from Amgen’s phase II study of olpasiran suggests that the drug could fill a niche in the cardiovascular market.

Universal Vaccines & Vaccine Therapeutics

Mark Doherty, Senior Medical Manager at GSK, leads a Discussion Group on leveraging the mechanisms of action in therapeutic vaccine development.
Tumour Microenvironment

Expert Opinions on Targeting the Tumour Microenvironment: Present Challenges and Future Outlook

The tumour microenvironment is a critical target to immuno-oncologists. Our discussion group brings together authorities in targeting the TME.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

AbbVie Ditch Phase II Autoimmune Drug

AbbVie announced that they are dropping the ROR? inverse agonist, marking the end of their collaboration with Inventiva
Manufacturing & Bioprocessing

Overcoming the Challenges in Cell Therapy Manufacturing

Udayanath Aich, Director at Bristol Myers Squibb, leads a Discussion Group on leveraging advanced technologies and biologics to mitigate challenges.
NextGen Therapeutics

Exploring & Developing Various Biotherapeutic Modalities

Galahad Deperalta, Senior Scientist and Innovation Group Leader at Genentech, leads a Discussion Group on the next generation of biotherapeutic development.
Manufacturing & Bioprocessing

Looking into the Crystal Ball: The Future of Disruptive Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing

What will the future hold for autologous cell and gene therapy manufacturing? Tigen Pharma SA, share their predictions on the prospect of disruptive innovation for the industry.

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