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Antibody & Protein Engineering

Oxford Global's R&D Key 40 Stories 2022

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NextGen Therapeutics

Gilead Pay Big Bucks for MacroGenics' Blood-Cancer Targeting Bispecific

Gilead announced a $1.7 billion licence-option deal for MacroGenics’ MGD024 bispecific once Phase I trials conclude.

Turbocharging Potency Assays – Challenges and Opportunities from Multispecific Drug Modalities

The development of multispecific drugs is an inherently complex and challenging process. Barbara Hebeis of AstraZeneca talks us through challenges surrounding the development of appropriate potency assays, and the opportunities the field offers.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

The STING in Immunotherapy’s Tail

Research from the University of North Carolina into STING agonists provides new insights for immunotherapy cancer treatments.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Eisai’s Alzheimer's Drug Offers New Hope

Eisai’s new drug lecanemab has shown small but significant benefits for people with early Alzheimer’s disease.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Is Your WASH Causing Inflammation? Protein Complex Linked to Inflammatory Conditions

Research published by the Scripps Research Institute reveals the WASH protein complex as a crucial factor in neutrophil-triggered inflammation.

Why We Develop Autoimmunity: Hyperstimulation of Genetically Prone Subjects

Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld explains his findings in establishing links between genetic predisposition and hyperstimulation of the immune system and how this may help us better understand the development of autoimmunity.

Advanced Vaccine Platforms & Technologies

Wieslaw Swietnicki, Head of Biosynthesis and Bioengineering Group at the Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry, leads a discussion on the current outlook for advanced vaccine platforms, technologies, and development.

Pfizer’s Pneumococcal Vaccine Shows Great Promise in European Study

Pfizer’s new PCV candidate is set to become the most effective protector against pneumococcal infections for infants.
Peptide Chemistry

FDA Gives Green Light to Long-Awaited Botox Competitor

Competition between cosmetic treatments begins.

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