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Dual-Action Malaria Vaccine Takes the Punch out of the Parasite

A new vaccine duo developed by scientists at George Washington University stops malaria infection and transmission, the double attack needed to eradicate the disease.

Nexelis’s Collaborative Development for Optimal Clinical Assay

November’s webinar, Adaptive Laboratory Environment: Collaboration Across our Development Teams Produces Optimal Clinical Assay, discusses Nexelis’s process in recombinant protein production, optimisation, and characterisation.

Overcoming Vaccine Manufacturing Challenges

Experts from King’s College London, Janssen, and Merck Sharp & Dohme congregate to talk the future of optimised vaccine manufacturing.

Vaccines After COVID: How the Pandemic Has Changed the Vaccination Market

During the pandemic, a layperson couldn't avoid learning about vaccinations. But as the world returns to “normal”, how does this new-found focus on vaccines manifest for regulators, producers, prescribers, and the public? 

Vaccines Europe: Presentations You Won’t Want to Miss

Find out about some of Oxford Global’s most highly anticipated presentations happening at our upcoming Vaccines Congress.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Roche Fail to Follow in Eisai’s Footsteps: Alzheimer’s Drug Flunks Phase III Trials

Roche revealed that they will stop all Alzheimer’s trials after anti-amyloid beta antibody gantenerumab fails Phase III trials.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

Heart-to-Heart or Head-to-Head: Amgen Heart Drug to Challenge Novartis

New data released from Amgen’s phase II study of olpasiran suggests that the drug could fill a niche in the cardiovascular market.

Universal Vaccines & Vaccine Therapeutics

Mark Doherty, Senior Medical Manager at GSK, leads a Discussion Group on leveraging the mechanisms of action in therapeutic vaccine development.
Antibody & Protein Engineering

AbbVie Ditch Phase II Autoimmune Drug

AbbVie announced that they are dropping the ROR? inverse agonist, marking the end of their collaboration with Inventiva
NextGen Therapeutics

Exploring & Developing Various Biotherapeutic Modalities

Galahad Deperalta, Senior Scientist and Innovation Group Leader at Genentech, leads a Discussion Group on the next generation of biotherapeutic development.

3-Dose Hepatitis B Vaccine Offers Full Protection for People with HIV

Phase III clinical trials from the University of Cincinnati have shown seroprotection in 100% of HIV-positive participants after a 3-dose regimen of the HEPLISAV-B vaccine.

Mass Spectrometry: Shortening Time Scales and Progressing Towards Automation

Discover the top bioanalysis presentations from Biologics UK 2022.

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