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Organ Modelling

Differentiation of embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells

Pluripotent stem cells possess the capacity for indefinite self-renewal and the potential to differentiate into all adult cell types of the three primary germ layers.
Pharma Data

Big Data Workplan for 2022 to 2025

The EMA’s Big Data Steering Group has released its third workplan outlining the key actions to be delivered between 2022 and 2025.
Medicinal Chemistry

Automation Experts Discuss New Platform for Synthesis in Organic Chemistry

Our Discussion Group featured expert conversation on automation and synthesis from software to hardware, key challenges, and end goals.

Gene Discovered to Drive Anxiety Could Prove an Effective Drug Target

The discovery could be a game-changer for the many people that suffer from anxiety related mental health disorders.
Pharma Data

Emerging Trends and Risks in Clinical Data Management

Looking to the next few years of data management in clinical trials, hybrid models which interpolate AI and ML approaches to assist trial coordinators will increasingly become the new normal.
Pharma Data

Leveraging Compound and Therapeutic Antibody Analytical Data

Analytical data is a key tool which can be leveraged to augment digital drug discovery if data workflows are properly implemented.

Positive Results Achieved from Phase III Trial of MDMA-Assisted Therapy

Significant findings after the Schedule I controlled drug completes Phase III clinical trial for PTSD patients.
Molecular Drug Design

FDA Release New Guidance for Modifications to AI/ML-Enabled Devices

The FDA has proposed new guidance which favours a science-based approach for AI/ML-Enabled devices to be modified and improved more quickly.

Discovery of Fentanyl Vaccine Called “Game Changer” with Some Sceptical

The antibody-based vaccine has been successful in rat models but has had critics who would rather see a focus on harm reduction.
Target Discovery

Addressing Specific Targets and Dealing with Target Engagement

The panel discussion from Discovery US 2022, investigates into new technologies for target engagement and expanding the chemical space.
Pharma Data

FAIR Data Principles and Use Cases in Pharma

FAIR data principles aim to standardise and enhance the management of scientific data through unique identifiers and standardised protocols. The gradual implementation of these principles can improve research efficiency, facilitating better data utilisation by both humans and machines.

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