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New Approach to Oligo-Peptide Synthesis from Novo and Aarhus University

The collaboration could unlock the more cost-effective synthesis of oligonucleotide-peptide conjugates.

A collaboration between Aarhus University in Denmark and Novo Nordisk has led to the discovery of a new method of synthesising oligonucleotide-peptide conjugates.

The method, as published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research, boasts increased simplicity for the production of entire conjugate libraries by utilizing a linker with built-in handles.



Unlike traditional methods of oligonucleotide synthesis which rely on oligo building blocks driving up cost and production time, the new method allows oligos to be easily linked to peptides by simply adjusting the pH of the mixture.

This method opens up the doors for the rapid synthesis and production of evermore multifaceted therapeutic oligonucleotide conjugates.

Despite the massive potential that oligonucleotides present for the development of new therapeutics, particularly personalised medicines, so far, they have been burdened by their difficulty in targeting specific tissues.

That’s where oligonucleotide conjugates come in, by linking small protein markers, specific cells can be targeted by oligonucleotide therapeutics.

The paper’s lead author, Kurt Gothelf, said that the synthesis method was a “significant stride towards more effective and targeted drugs, indicating the potential for customised therapeutic oligonucleotides to deliver drugs precisely to the intended location in the body.”

The hope is that this new synthesis method can unlock faster paced development of therapeutics at a lower cost.

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