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Investigating Target Identification and Validation Modelling in Neurodegenerative Disease

The significance of reproducibility, fidelity, and translatability in models, as well as the importance of using multiple models to cross-validate therapeutic targets.
Organ Modelling

Host Microbiome Interactions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

In conversation with Dr Neil McCarthy, MRC Career Development Fellow, Centre for Immunobiology, The Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London.

Robotic Surgery: Pioneering Precision in Medical Advancements

Robotic surgery continues to change the face of medical procedures, but what were its origins and where might the future take it?
Target Discovery

Potential Antidote Discovered for Centuries-Old Toxic Mushroom

Researchers have discovered a potential antidote, indocyanine green (ICG), for the highly toxic death cap mushroom, Amanita phalloides.
Molecular Drug Design

Interview with Jissy Akkarapattiakal Kuriappan, Principal Investigator, Drug Discovery at Alembic Pharmaceuticals

Jissy Akkarapattiakal Kuriappan, Principal Investigator, Drug Discovery at Alembic Pharmaceuticals, discusses using AI to promote drug discovery, the problem with using AI as a black box, and whether AI and ML are a worthwhile investment.
Organ Modelling

Cerebral Organoids: the Sci-Fi Organ Model Explaining our Brains

These miniature brain replicas, cultivated from patient-derived stem cells, provide a unique window into the intricacies of brain development.
Medicinal Chemistry

RNA Interference: Looking Back at the 2006 Nobel Prize

Fire and Mello’s research has unlocked a powerful new therapeutic technology: silencing genes with siRNA.
Organ Modelling

The building blocks of organoid research

Organoid models include three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems that closely resemble in vivo organs or tissues.
Pharma Data

Digital Biomarkers: Addressing Unmet Needs

Digital biomarkers are rapidly being adopted to provide quality insights into patient health. David Nobbs, Biomarker Disease Area Lead at Roche and Valentin, Data Analytics Leader at GSK share how their companies are using digital biomarkers.

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