In Conversation With...Ruth Faram, HigherSteaks
Speaker Biographies
Dr. Faram was awarded BSc. Neuroscience from University College London in 2008, MSc. Pharmacology from the University of Oxford in 2009 and completed her doctorate in Neuropharmacology from the University of Oxford, Department of Anatomical Neuropharmacology in 2013, where she specialised in novel neurogenic cell types in the rostral migratory stream during development of the rodent olfactory system. She subsequently held three postdoctoral positions within the Department of Pharmacology, Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics and the William Dunn School of Pathology, and the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. She received scholarships from the Medical Research Council and Alzheimer's Research UK to work on the neuropathological interactions between amyloid beta and tau proteins in the human induced pluripotent stem cells, as part of the StemBANCC initiative. She was later awarded an Arthritis Research UK scholarship to work on the epigenetic mechanisms of bone stem cells during inflammation.
She brings extensive years of experience in cell and molecular biology, working with cutting edge, innovative technologies. She is inventor on 4 patents (pending). She is a mum to 4 year old Felix, and is a seasoned marathon runner.