Clinical Development | Q&As & Interviews

Advancing Biomarkers and Diagnostics in Diabetes Clinical Trials

Here, we speak to Matthias von Herrath about Biomarkers US 2023 and some current trends in the industry concerning research and technological development.

What research do you conduct around type I diabetes?

“Over the last five years, we have built a pipeline for prevention and preserving beta cells in patients who are already at risk or who have already been diagnosed with the disease. If a marker is proven to correlate with a case of success – so in our case, improving glucose control in the diabetes field – then that’s of paramount importance.”

What were some of the most exciting developments in the biomarkers field in 2023?

“The precision with how we can measure the markers has improved pretty much across the board of CROs, as has the data analysis with the emergence of better artificial intelligence methods. We can use probability biomarkers for the prediction of targets, but also for trial outcomes or to validate trial records. That’s tremendously exciting – it’s good for all of us – because it means faster time to the licensure of drugs.” 

What will 2024 hold for the biomarkers industry in terms of research and development?

“I think if we have meetings like the one you held, and you bring these very good players to the field, it will help tremendously. What we want to hear more is that the correlation with proven outcomes will be correlated more with clinical outcomes or subsets of disease. We’ll hear more and more stories about that. It’s an exciting field, especially since I came to the event with a more deflated attitude – and I left feeling really inspired.”

How did you find we performed at Biomarkers US 2023?

“You really brought the right players to the table. It was enormously inspiring, I think it was really fantastic – it was a large enough meeting, and you had a lot of vendors there who had very good stories to tell. It was very engaging, and I didn’t expect that. So I’m going to come back next time, and now the bar’s been set. I expect a lot.” 

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