
The latest in omics research, from discovery and multi-omics approaches through to diagnostics development

Genome Editing

The Applications of CRISPR in Optimising Animal Models for Human Disease Research 

CRISPR-based animal models expedite drug development by enhancing accuracy, replicating human physiology, reducing time and cost, aiding in predicting treatment efficacy, and addressing safety concerns in clinical trials.
Genome Editing

Celebrating the Achievements of Barbara McClintock, Discoverer of Mobile Genetic Elements and Gene Transposition

To date, 114 Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine have been awarded to 226 laureates. Of these laureates, just 12 have been women. This article looks at one of those 12 women and celebrates her contributions to the field of genetics. Her name is Barbara McClintock.
Genome Editing

New Human Pangenome Capturing More Genomic Diversity Released

The human pangenome contains genetic data from 47 people across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, and offers a more holistic cross-section of the planet’s genetic diversity.
Genome Editing

Transforming Genomics with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and accelerated computing enable new frontiers in genome sequencing workflows.
Genome Editing

On & Off-Target Genome Editing Techniques

Richard Stanton, Professor of Virology at Cardiff University, presents the latest on and off-target genome editing techniques.
Genome Editing

Machine Learning Algorithm Measures Prime Editing Efficiency

Wellcome Sanger Institute propose a new machine learning algorithm for predicting genome editing efficiency for the CRISPR-Cas9-based approach of prime editing.
Genome Editing

Recent Advances and the Future Landscape of Genome Editing For Disease Models And How This Has Helped Us Gain Insight Into Disease Biology 

In Conversation With Laralynne Pryzbyla, Adjunct Assistant Professor at UCSF & UC Scientific Director, Laboratory for Genomics Research
Genome Editing

Regulation & Policy: Interview with John Parrington, Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, University of Oxford

John Parrington, Associate Professor of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology & Fellow of Worcester College, University of Oxford, discusses the regulatory challenges and opportunities of genome editing.
Genome Editing

Policy Issues for Responsible Genomics Research

Responsible genomics research is vital to ensuring the advancement of health for society. But what are the ethical, social, and legal considerations that go into genomics-based decision making?
Genome Editing

FDA and NIH Sign Interagency Collaboration Agreement to Advance Proteogenomics Research

A memorandum of understanding has been reached between the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to provide a framework for solving complex problems in molecular characterisation and classification of tumours.
Genome Editing

Novel Genome Editing Techniques: What Will Come Next after CRISPR-Cas9?

The gene editing field has exploded in the last ten years, with methods such as CRISPR-Cas9 becoming well-established in the pre-clinical sphere. However, complications in clinical applications have led some researchers to explore alternatives.
Genome Editing

Genome Editing Technologies: Pioneering Approaches in Healthcare

Current and upcoming gene editing technologies, such as prime editing and cell line models, have huge potential in applications such as cancer treatment. With the field constantly witnessing new breakthroughs and advances, genome modification holds a lot of promise for the future.

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